settled back in

so, probably needless to say, olvie and i had a safe (and quite long) trip home. 

after a couple of days of debriefing at world harvest mission headquarters outside philly, we finally got to go home to our families. 

i had a couple short weeks before starting back to school. and, well, here i am, back at furman for my final year. 

i am enjoying my classes, loving my three apartment-mates, and dancing as often as possible.

there are things i miss, though, from this summer in bundibugyo:

the warm smiles and greetings everywhere i walked
the enthusiastic drumming at church
our dear friends, their kindness, and their generosity
the bananas, especially the busukali
thanking each other for everything possible
girl nights with olvie, anna & jess
sweet babysitting time with the johnson kiddos
late-night conversations with amy & travis after putting kids to bed
rolex (chapati with egg, onion, and tomato)
market trips (as stressful & stinky as they were at times)
the ubiquitous r/l mix-up
breath-taking sunsets
overwhelming numbers of stars every clear night
fresh, juicy mango
not having to worry about getting lost and directions, as there was only one main road
the night-blooming jasmine outside our house
and last, but most definitely not least, the slower pace of Bundibugyo (as frustrating as it was at times)

i DO NOT miss the obukakuni and their sneaky bites, those morning doves that cooed at all hours of the morning, or the blood-drawing impali ants. and i'm not going to lie, i appreciate having a toilet, and one inside at that... but those things were well worth the privilege of spending a summer in the semliki valley, surrounded by banana and cacao trees, the majestic rwenzori mountains, pregnant goats, bodas, and warm, beautiful people.


  1. Awesome pictures! How'd the cloud ones come out so clear?? whenever I try to capture something from a plan there's always some gunk on the window haha

  2. Yay Sarah! I agree with all of the above and more! You spoke my heart:) And it was quite the adventure with you this summer. I'm excited to hear about your future travels and share about where God is leading you (and I) next! Sweet pictures! I like the one we took of the red sand as we flew over what was most likely Egypt!
